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Magnetic Therapy

Do you have any of these? MAGNETS ARE WORTH A TRY!


  • How does a North Pole Therapeutic Magnet work?
    What North Pole Therapeutic Magnets Do 1. It forces muscles to relax. 2. It helps proper circulation by reacting with the iron and minerals in the blood. 3. It alters the pH to be more alkaline thereby reducing the acidity in the body which contributes to disease, alleryies and cancer. 4. It encourages proper oxygenation by getting more red blood cells into the area. 5. It cleans all the impurities, poisons, toxins and calcium deposits in the bloodstream by delivering more white blood cells into the area, which aid in the natural cleansing of the body. \/ Doctors have no ability to force any particular muscle to relax. They can give you muscle relaxers that relax the entire body but that doesn't pinpoint relaxation of any single area. This is why they send you to physical therapy, massage or even ultrasound to focus on one area. With the muscles tight there is no way to increase circulation to a particular area. When using magnets they will force muscles to relax which is very soothing on the body. The circulation will then increase through muscle tissue and vessels speeding up the healing process. \/ According to Dr Durly Payne, these are known factors involved in magnetic healing1. Increased blood flow with resultant increase in oxygen delivery 2. Removal of calcium ions away from arthritic joints. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Durly Payne and his team have been able through extensive and repeated experiments - prove tllat magnetic current positively influences metabolism and supports the formation of amino acids (the building blocks for protein) in cells. ------------------------------* In a double blind test, it helped 90% of a large group of patients with myositis, bursitis, arthritis, and rheumatism. Other research shows how magnets have promoted better healing of scars" -"and are more effective than sutures (stitches)" * Magnets are widely used to help patients with headaches (including migraines), constipation,, bronchitis, hypertension, hemorrhoids, glaucoma , and many other serious diseases. It was found that Cancer cannot exist in a strong north pole magnetic field, because it increases blood flow filling the body with cellular oxygen which kills bacteria and cancer cells. --------------------------------------------------- \/ Dr. Robert O . Becker, an orthopedic surgeon, reported in the 1960's: that when a bone is broken, it initially has a positive electromagnetic field. Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawles, Jr. first demonstrated that positive and negative magnetic energy have a different impact on the healing process. In hundreds of animal studies, Davis and Rawles found that negative magnetic energy arrested the growth of tumors, whereas positive energy accelerated tumor growth. Uni-pole magnets are flat-surfaced magnets with poles on the opposite sides. The negative side is always pointed towards the body.
  • Have you ever used magnets? If so are you using the right polarity?
    Don't be fooled, all magnets are not created equal. The north pole side is the only side ever to be used on the body. The south pole side is raw energy so if you have anything wrong with you it can be accelerated. It can be very damaging to the body and forces the circulation to go in the wrong direction. This can cause more pain, burning sensations, and even burn marks on the body. Many times when people say magnets don't work it is because they have used the wrong polarity and it has caused some of the symptoms above. The north pole side of the magnet keeps your body healthy and helps keep it free from disease and toxins. North Pole is the natural healing and filtering system in the body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects of magnetic energy on Living Metabolic systemsClinical Observations of Dr. William Philpott North Pole Negative Magnetic Energy Increases cellular oxygen, Pulls fluids and gasses, Encourages sleep, Fights infection, Reduces inflammabon, Relieves & stops pain, Promotes release of serotonin, Reduces fatty deposits South Pole Posrtive Magnetic Energy Decreases cellular oxygen, Pushes fluids and gasses, Stimulates wakefu!ness, Accelerates micro-organism growth, Increases Inflammation, Increases pain Increases depression, Encourages fatty deposits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the South Pole strengthens, promotes growth and energizes, it can be harmful when placed over bacterial or viral infections and may cause it to grow faster. The North Pole reduces pain, relaxes, fights infection, reduces inflammation and increases cellular oxygen for better health. Obviously, we don't want to make ourselves suffer minor intense pain or il!nesses, therefore: always use the North Pole, it can't hurt you. The True Difference Magnetic research has revealed there is a significant difference between bio-north and south pole energy. Pain, inflammation, bruising, infection, and most other applications require the use of the bio-north pole. The south pole is not used in these cases because bacteria, viruses and cancer could be stimulated also. Quoting Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer. "It has been clinically established that north pole energy arrests protein activity, draws fluids, contracts, vasoconstricts, increases alkalinity, acts to sedate or inhibit pain, decreases activity, increases potassium ions, decreases abnormal calcium ions and decreases hydrogen ion concentration. The north pole can be said to be the normalizing energy. It normalizes the alkaline state of the body but never produces an over alkalinized condition. It oxygenates the body but never produces oxidized free radicals. It has a normalizing effect no matter how long the exposure." Dr. William Philpott lists the following as a precaution in his book "Biomagnetic Handbook": DO NOT use positive magnetic energy unless under medical supervision. Positive magnetic energy can: 1) over stimulate brain activity producing seizures, hallucinations, in~omnia, hyperactivity, addiction, etc. 2) stimulate the growth of tumors, microorganisms, etc CAUTIONS: Any magnetic jewelry that rolls such as beads, cylinders, barrels, etc. emit the effects of both North and South Pole which is not the natural healing or filtering system in the body DO NOT USE THE MAGNET WITHIN FOUR TO SIX INCHES OF A PACEMAKER. \/ Our magnetic jewelry do not roll and only allow the North pole to the body.
  • Will a magnetic bracelet or necklace help my back pain?
    Magnetic Jewelry does not help everywhere on the body. Magnets are a localized treatment. and need to be placed where the problem originates, which is not necessarily where the pain lies. so if your back pain originated from your neck, a magnetic necklace can help with that. We recommend you to call or messages us, so we can help you find the best product for your specific situation.
  • Whats the Difference Between Magnetism and Electromagnetism?
    The Difference Between Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Electromagnetism is a man-made magnetism. lt does not occur naturally in nature. Electromagnetism includes alternating current electricity that we use every day, and a myriad of other unnatural currents from microwave ovens to computer terminals. A low level of electromagnetism exposure is fought off by the body and is probably safe. However. higher levels are proven to cause a gradual breakdown in health. Natural magnetism provides the energies our bodies need, in fact we can 't live without it. The earth is a big magnet. Magnetic strength is measured in gauss. Dr. R. Broeringmeyer (who has dedicated his life to magnetic research) says that 4,000 years before Christ the earth measured three gauss. People lived longer and archeological evidence shows they were healthier. It is because of the benefits of a stronger magnetic field from the earth.
  • Why Have I not Heard About Magnetic Therapy Untill Now?
    Magnetic Therapy Background The use of magnets for healing has been practiced for thousands of years. It was known to the ancient Egyptians and before them, the Chinese. In the 1800's Doctors were know as Magnetic Specialists and Bone Surgeons. In Danvers, Massachusetts around the year 2000, there was a newspaper article on the front page about old Dr. Sweet. When you went to see him you didn't come out with prescriptions you came out with magnets. He used magnets in his practice all the time unless surgery was required and then he used magnets after surgery to heal faster. In the late 1800's early 1900s when electricity was first discovered scientists and doctors thought that it would be the new healing factor for mankind. They realized that was a mistake and it did not work, by then conventional medicine had started and doctors realized they could make more money with medication. Now science is catching up with the proven method of traditional holistic medicine. Excellent work has been done in America by many scientists and medical professionals, among them Dr.A. Roy, Walter C. Rawles, Albert Roy Davis, and by Professor M. F. Barnothy. Professional References: Dr. Buryl Payne "The Body Magnetic,,Robert 0. Becker, M.D. "Cross Currents,,Dr. William Philpott, M. D. "The Bio-Magnetic Handbook

The entire Earth is a magnet emitting North Pole Magnetic Energy. The earth's magnetic energy helps keep us alive and healthy

Proper rest, exercise. nutrition, hydration and magnetism are all absolutely necessary to achieve perfect health in our bodies. Today's lifestyles cause a multitude of disorders and imbalances in our bodies never before have the nutrition levels that we can get from the fruits of the earth and the actual energy (magnetic) levels been so low. Our food supply. drinking water, air and soil are becoming less energetic and lower in nutritional value as well as being increasingly contaminated

Resonating Frequencies Technology

  • How does a North Pole Therapeutic Magnet work?
    What North Pole Therapeutic Magnets Do 1. It forces muscles to relax. 2. It helps proper circulation by reacting with the iron and minerals in the blood. 3. It alters the pH to be more alkaline thereby reducing the acidity in the body which contributes to disease, alleryies and cancer. 4. It encourages proper oxygenation by getting more red blood cells into the area. 5. It cleans all the impurities, poisons, toxins and calcium deposits in the bloodstream by delivering more white blood cells into the area, which aid in the natural cleansing of the body. \/ Doctors have no ability to force any particular muscle to relax. They can give you muscle relaxers that relax the entire body but that doesn't pinpoint relaxation of any single area. This is why they send you to physical therapy, massage or even ultrasound to focus on one area. With the muscles tight there is no way to increase circulation to a particular area. When using magnets they will force muscles to relax which is very soothing on the body. The circulation will then increase through muscle tissue and vessels speeding up the healing process. \/ According to Dr Durly Payne, these are known factors involved in magnetic healing1. Increased blood flow with resultant increase in oxygen delivery 2. Removal of calcium ions away from arthritic joints. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Durly Payne and his team have been able through extensive and repeated experiments - prove tllat magnetic current positively influences metabolism and supports the formation of amino acids (the building blocks for protein) in cells. ------------------------------* In a double blind test, it helped 90% of a large group of patients with myositis, bursitis, arthritis, and rheumatism. Other research shows how magnets have promoted better healing of scars" -"and are more effective than sutures (stitches)" * Magnets are widely used to help patients with headaches (including migraines), constipation,, bronchitis, hypertension, hemorrhoids, glaucoma , and many other serious diseases. It was found that Cancer cannot exist in a strong north pole magnetic field, because it increases blood flow filling the body with cellular oxygen which kills bacteria and cancer cells. --------------------------------------------------- \/ Dr. Robert O . Becker, an orthopedic surgeon, reported in the 1960's: that when a bone is broken, it initially has a positive electromagnetic field. Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawles, Jr. first demonstrated that positive and negative magnetic energy have a different impact on the healing process. In hundreds of animal studies, Davis and Rawles found that negative magnetic energy arrested the growth of tumors, whereas positive energy accelerated tumor growth. Uni-pole magnets are flat-surfaced magnets with poles on the opposite sides. The negative side is always pointed towards the body.
  • Have you ever used magnets? If so are you using the right polarity?
    Don't be fooled, all magnets are not created equal. The north pole side is the only side ever to be used on the body. The south pole side is raw energy so if you have anything wrong with you it can be accelerated. It can be very damaging to the body and forces the circulation to go in the wrong direction. This can cause more pain, burning sensations, and even burn marks on the body. Many times when people say magnets don't work it is because they have used the wrong polarity and it has caused some of the symptoms above. The north pole side of the magnet keeps your body healthy and helps keep it free from disease and toxins. North Pole is the natural healing and filtering system in the body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects of magnetic energy on Living Metabolic systemsClinical Observations of Dr. William Philpott North Pole Negative Magnetic Energy Increases cellular oxygen, Pulls fluids and gasses, Encourages sleep, Fights infection, Reduces inflammabon, Relieves & stops pain, Promotes release of serotonin, Reduces fatty deposits South Pole Posrtive Magnetic Energy Decreases cellular oxygen, Pushes fluids and gasses, Stimulates wakefu!ness, Accelerates micro-organism growth, Increases Inflammation, Increases pain Increases depression, Encourages fatty deposits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although the South Pole strengthens, promotes growth and energizes, it can be harmful when placed over bacterial or viral infections and may cause it to grow faster. The North Pole reduces pain, relaxes, fights infection, reduces inflammation and increases cellular oxygen for better health. Obviously, we don't want to make ourselves suffer minor intense pain or il!nesses, therefore: always use the North Pole, it can't hurt you. The True Difference Magnetic research has revealed there is a significant difference between bio-north and south pole energy. Pain, inflammation, bruising, infection, and most other applications require the use of the bio-north pole. The south pole is not used in these cases because bacteria, viruses and cancer could be stimulated also. Quoting Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer. "It has been clinically established that north pole energy arrests protein activity, draws fluids, contracts, vasoconstricts, increases alkalinity, acts to sedate or inhibit pain, decreases activity, increases potassium ions, decreases abnormal calcium ions and decreases hydrogen ion concentration. The north pole can be said to be the normalizing energy. It normalizes the alkaline state of the body but never produces an over alkalinized condition. It oxygenates the body but never produces oxidized free radicals. It has a normalizing effect no matter how long the exposure." Dr. William Philpott lists the following as a precaution in his book "Biomagnetic Handbook": DO NOT use positive magnetic energy unless under medical supervision. Positive magnetic energy can: 1) over stimulate brain activity producing seizures, hallucinations, in~omnia, hyperactivity, addiction, etc. 2) stimulate the growth of tumors, microorganisms, etc CAUTIONS: Any magnetic jewelry that rolls such as beads, cylinders, barrels, etc. emit the effects of both North and South Pole which is not the natural healing or filtering system in the body DO NOT USE THE MAGNET WITHIN FOUR TO SIX INCHES OF A PACEMAKER. \/ Our magnetic jewelry do not roll and only allow the North pole to the body.
  • Will a magnetic bracelet or necklace help my back pain?
    Magnetic Jewelry does not help everywhere on the body. Magnets are a localized treatment. and need to be placed where the problem originates, which is not necessarily where the pain lies. so if your back pain originated from your neck, a magnetic necklace can help with that. We recommend you to call or messages us, so we can help you find the best product for your specific situation.
  • Whats the Difference Between Magnetism and Electromagnetism?
    The Difference Between Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Electromagnetism is a man-made magnetism. lt does not occur naturally in nature. Electromagnetism includes alternating current electricity that we use every day, and a myriad of other unnatural currents from microwave ovens to computer terminals. A low level of electromagnetism exposure is fought off by the body and is probably safe. However. higher levels are proven to cause a gradual breakdown in health. Natural magnetism provides the energies our bodies need, in fact we can 't live without it. The earth is a big magnet. Magnetic strength is measured in gauss. Dr. R. Broeringmeyer (who has dedicated his life to magnetic research) says that 4,000 years before Christ the earth measured three gauss. People lived longer and archeological evidence shows they were healthier. It is because of the benefits of a stronger magnetic field from the earth.
  • Why Have I not Heard About Magnetic Therapy Untill Now?
    Magnetic Therapy Background The use of magnets for healing has been practiced for thousands of years. It was known to the ancient Egyptians and before them, the Chinese. In the 1800's Doctors were know as Magnetic Specialists and Bone Surgeons. In Danvers, Massachusetts around the year 2000, there was a newspaper article on the front page about old Dr. Sweet. When you went to see him you didn't come out with prescriptions you came out with magnets. He used magnets in his practice all the time unless surgery was required and then he used magnets after surgery to heal faster. In the late 1800's early 1900s when electricity was first discovered scientists and doctors thought that it would be the new healing factor for mankind. They realized that was a mistake and it did not work, by then conventional medicine had started and doctors realized they could make more money with medication. Now science is catching up with the proven method of traditional holistic medicine. Excellent work has been done in America by many scientists and medical professionals, among them Dr.A. Roy, Walter C. Rawles, Albert Roy Davis, and by Professor M. F. Barnothy. Professional References: Dr. Buryl Payne "The Body Magnetic,,Robert 0. Becker, M.D. "Cross Currents,,Dr. William Philpott, M. D. "The Bio-Magnetic Handbook
The statements on our website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The
products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a medical
professional if you have questions about your medical health.

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